The words we speak and the thoughts we think; will shape our beliefs, actions and tomorrows.
Our thoughts and beliefs play a leading role in our emotional state; and consequently, our behaviors and the outcomes we actualize in our lives.
Fortunately for us, the mind can be trained and shaped. When we mindfully control our thoughts and beliefs we activate the potential for our lives to become vastly different. When we fail to do so, external forces – social media, advertisements, friends etc. – will play the role of navigator in charting the course of our lives.
Define your life or have it defined for you. ~ Kamala McWhinney
Through mindful practice we can dissolve thoughts and beliefs that give power to fears, magnetize failure and result in self-sabotage; and replace them with patterns of thinking that will allow for the possibility of leading fulfilling lives and enjoying a harmonious relationship with the world around us. The content shared here is intended as a tool-kit/resource bank for helping to do just that - reshape our mind (thoughts and core beliefs) through our choice of repeated words.
Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny. ~ Unknown
Words have energy. They mirror our thoughts and beliefs; and have the power to uplift, as well as destroy. A great place to start the practice of reshaping/training the mind is through our choice of words. Speaking and repeating words that work toward our benefit, and cultivate our highest good; works to motivate, inspire, and program the mind to act accordingly. The process will trigger the subconscious mind to strive to make our words come true.
Let’s influence our universe word by word.
Affirmations & Declarations
for everyday and for every purpose…
simple phrases that will enhance your well-being by inviting change into your life…
Fulfillment Project
initiatives and guides for personal enrichment and transformations.