Estoy Rey Comment Policy
This is not Burger King! You will not “have it your way”.
If your comments do not appear on the site immediately after posting, it has likely been flagged for review. Before attempting to resubmit multiple times or making contact about it considered the following:
Use of derogatory slurs or curse words will be automatically flagged. If during review they are found to add value to the conversation they may be approved by the moderator.
Your comment may have flagged by the readership for review.
Thing which will get your comments deleted:
Hate speech. Not welcomed here.
Aggressive or negative comments regarding the aesthetic appearance of a person (writer, commenter, and/or folks mentioned in the articles.
Irrelevancy. Stay on the subject.
Things which will get your account banned:
Habitual posting of delete-worthy comments on this site or any Disqus-enabled sites.
Hate Commenting. If your history of commenting on Estoy Rey appears to be for the purpose of starting fights or disagreeing with whatever is published, you will be banned. Feel free to keep hate reading but keep your comments to yourself.
Note to Estoy Rey readers:
You are loved and appreciated. Thanks for your support. As mentioned above, flagging comments which violate our policy helps to maintain the integrity and mission of this site. Help where you see fit in identifying violators but please take this responsibility seriously. Flagging a comment or user that has not violated a policy but with whom you simply disagree is not good use of this power. Note also, engaging trolls may not be the best use of your time and energy.
The mission of this space is to engage, entertain, educate and inspire. Comments found to go against that mission are not welcomed and will be deleted, they may also provide grounds for you to be banned.
Estoy Rey reserves the right to ban anyone who has been determined to be a detriment to the atmosphere this page sees to promote. If you are looking to gas-light, demotivate, bully, intimidate or harass - GO 👏 ELSE 👏WHERE👏. You are not welcomed here.
I think; therefore, I am...notified of the rules for engagement.